Chapter 639: On-site Diagnosis


"How is that possible?"

"Are all the diagnoses correct?"

"No way!"

Cheers erupted from the crowd. William Cole's performance was too astonishing.

Throughout the diagnostic process, William didn't move an inch. He just stood at the front of the 100 patients, did nothing, diagnosed all of them and was correct in each case. It was simply unbelievable.

"I don't accept this!"

Suddenly, Takada Hayato growled lowly.

All the eyes in the venue turned to him immediately.

Takada Hayato shouted, "Cheating! It must be cheating!"

"He didn't even move, how could he diagnose all the patients accurately? I believe that I'm not the only one with these doubts, everyone here must be wondering."

"I'm sure of it, William Cole cheated, he must have known the answers beforehand, memorized them, and then just recited them."

Along with Takada Hayato's words, people from the Thousand Hand Society also began to voice their agreement.

"Yes, he cheated!"

"Definitely cheated!"