Chapter 677 Ito Machi

"There's no need to be so courteous. They wanted to blow up the cruise ship. How could I just stand by and watch them do that?" William Cole laughed, shaking his head.

However, Cook remained serious, "No matter how you put it, that doesn't change the fact that you saved me."

"I am a person who believes in repaying a kindness. As long as I make it back to Europe alive this time, I will definitely repay you."

"Remember both yesterday and today. I will not let your friend be harmed in vain. I, Cook, will not leave my savior empty-handed. Your actions had value."

Hearing Cook's words, William Cole hesitated a bit.

Spider laughed, explaining, "Mr. Cook is a Jew."

"Oh, I see."

Understanding dawned on William Cole.

Jews believed in the value of all things and considered everything to be interchangeable. This was unlike the Chinese people.