Chapter 721: Do You Want Your Wife or Your Mother?

Everyone in the Cole family was stunned.

Could it be that William Cole had dared to strike the elderly lady of the house, it seemed as if he wanted to pierce the heavens. In the eyes of the people, the elderly lady was an absolute authority.

Yet William Cole disregarded this, striking the elderly lady's cheek in the Holy City?

"William, you cannot do this."

Mrs. Cole was shocked, unable to believe what she was witnessing.

Not to mention the first, second, and third ladies, they were all nearly frightened to death. In their long years of life, they had never seen anyone dare to strike the elderly lady, even though it was just a simple slap, it was more shocking than a magnitude twenty earthquake.

"Little bastard, you hit me? You, the bastard dares to hit me?" the elderly lady's eyes bulged out. She seemed to have gone mad, getting up from the ground.

"People, kill him for me! Kill this little bastard, at any cost, have him killed!"