Chapter 724: Pointing to the Snake Lord

"Granny Hull, what's going on? Where's my mother?" Madam Cole asked urgently.

"What on earth is happening? Did you collude with others to capture Granny Cole?" The second son's wife's eyes were filled with anger.

The other family members of the Cole family also angrily accused her, and some even took action, capturing Granny Hull and preparing to torture her for answers.

Seeing the raging crowd, Granny Hull was frightened into silence, standing still at her spot.


Just as everyone was preparing to torture Granny Hull, William Cole suddenly shouted, "This has nothing to do with Granny Hull."


Everyone turned to look at William in surprise.

Madam Cole said coldly, "William, are you in cahoots with Granny Hull?"

"Can you hold your tongue and let me finish?" William glanced at Madam Cole, "Always talking nonsense, so impatient, can't you wait a little?"

"Madam Cole, I'm now very suspicious of your intentions."