Chapter 746: The Snow God Palace Again

Sean Lawson chuckled, "Don't worry, William. Those several hundred people have already gone back. Your silver needle acupuncture skills are quite strong."

"The corpse poison inside them has been completely neutralized, and I've also given them the traditional Chinese medicinal soup you've brewed."

"Within fifteen days, they will be ok. However, for us, we need to find a cure within these fifteen days."

William Cole nodded seriously, "Yes, we only have fifteen days."

"Thirteen Pharmaceuticals is urgently researching the antidote, everything will be fine if the antidote is developed."

"However, the current problem is whether we are able to develop it within fifteen days?" Sean furrowed his brows, his heart filled with worry.

What should they do if they couldn't develop the antidote and these people's poison fully emerged?

William Cole stated seriously, "Yes, the real problem now is that we can't rely solely on the antidote."