Chapter 788: Ruth Dawn's Unexpected Incident!

Thirty minutes later, Ruth Dawn left the entertainment city of Christian Warner with a sense of satisfaction. She got into her red BMW and drove straight back to the Dawn Sect.

She was halfway through the second step of her brilliant plan.

In the evening, Ruth Dawn sat at her desk, looking at the documents on the table.

Archie Dawn approached her, "Wouldn't this move be too risky?"

"Are you sure the brilliant plan will work? If it fails, it's not just our family, but the entire Dawn Sect that will be beyond redemption."

Ruth Dawn let out a sigh, "Dad, do you have any other suggestions?"

Archie shook his head, "I've got another plan, but it's even riskier than what we've already got."

"Ruth, who do you think gave you those three golden solutions?"

"Well..." Ruth hesitated for a bit, her eyes flickering slightly, then she shook her head, "I don't know, maybe a friend, or perhaps someone who wants to help the dawn family."