Chapter 790: Thoughts of the Fake William Cole

Ruth Dawn fundamentally never believed Minnie Wright's words, she thought that this was the real William Cole.

The former remarks of William Cole were all his cunning defenses.

"You're all in cahoots with him, aren't you?"

"Do you think you can deceive me like that?" Ruth Dawn scoffed lightly, turned around and got directly into her car, leaving the Thirteen Hall.

Minnie Wright frowned, watching Ruth Dawn leave.

It wasn't until Ruth Dawn left that Minnie Wright shook her head, "Maybe not, Ruth is a smart woman, maybe she already knows that William Cole is fake but didn't expose him in public."

"The current issue is, why would that person impersonate William Cole?"

"Who let him impersonate William, and what's the purpose? Only by knowing this can we take full measures!"

Master Dr. Brews followed along in agreement, "Right, we must take full measures."