Chapter 829: William Cole, You Idiot!_1


William Cole frowned, sensing something off about Ruth Dawn's voice on the other end.

Just then, another voice sounded, "William Cole, my name is Mariam Blair from the Blair family in Cloud City."

"I heard you just captured several dozen people from the Blair family and killed Duane Blair in public? You've got some nerve!"

"What have you done to Ruth?" William's voice turned cold, his eyes becoming extremely indifferent, "Mariam Blair, if you dare harm a single hair on Ruth's head, I will not hesitate to storm into Cloud City and take you down."

Mariam Blair sneered with disdain, "William Cole, you better understand your current situation."

"Ruth Dawn is in my hands now. Do you really think you can threaten me? Would you believe me if I told you I could kick her stomach and burst it right now? Her belly looks quite big already, seems she's been a few months along, doesn't it?"