Chapter 833 What Is the Jianghu?_1

Hearing Black Sky Tiger's words, William Cole's gaze flickered, "I've never meddled in the affairs of the Martial Association, no matter what it was, I didn't get involved, yet these people still want me dead."

Black Sky Tiger laughed carefree, "You wouldn't not know about this, would you?"

"An innocent person is guilty of possession of a gem; you were innocent, but because you sit in that position, you have become guilty."

He added, "Alright, now I must leave, this place is not safe to stay for long."

"August Blair and James Blair definitely won't let me go, and for you, my presence here is a trouble too."

William Cole looked at him, "Your injuries haven't healed, and if you leave now, James Blair's people might be watching outside."

"It doesn't matter, I've already contacted someone to pick me up," Black Sky Tiger said with a light smile.

He hesitated for a moment, and glanced at the box in his arms, "This item, please help me safeguard it for a while."