Chapter 838 Salt Poisoning_1

Michele Keith was somewhat surprised; she hadn't expected Valerie Dawn to physically confront Eloise Torres. Worried, she looked at Valerie: "Valerie, are you alright?"

Valerie shook her head: "Michele, of course, I'm fine."

"Next time you encounter such a wicked person, you don't need to be polite just because she was once my mother. If she needs to be hit, hit her!"

"My ties with her have long been severed. Now she is nothing but a thorough villain. There's no need for further words."

"Alright," Michele nodded thoughtfully.

After William Cole brought Mrs. Tinn into the operating room, he immediately began to examine her condition. Her cheek had completely rotted away, so William was very careful while repairing it.

He first set about removing the toxins from Mrs. Tinn's body.

At a glance, it was evident that Mrs. Tinn's organs, as she lay on the operating table, were significantly weakened.