Chapter 866: Archie Dawn's Purpose?_1


William Cole was slightly startled. Hadn't Archie Dawn always been fond of playing with this stuff? Indeed, William's eyes could see through jade.

He frowned, "Joshua, this thing is no different from gambling; you can easily lose everything. I don't recommend you get involved."

Joshua Hayes gave a mysterious smile, "William, didn't you say your eyes are powerful?"

"Help me take a look, it won't cut off a piece of your flesh."

"Wait for me a sec, huh."

Joshua Hayes said cheerfully, turning back to his car, and took out a black backpack, producing two large stones.

"Brother Cole, these are the raw jade stones. I'm just starting out, brought them over to have a look, haven't paid yet."

"Can you help me see if there's any green inside?"

At a glance, William Cole saw straight through the situation of these two pieces of raw jade. There was some green inside, but it was mixed with something like cotton wool, which made it impossible to carve into artworks.