Chapter 880 Jin Wanliang's Cooperation Requirements_1

William Cole, although shackled, his gaze instantly became sharp: "One hundred thousand taels of gold?"


Patrick Hull smiled as he nodded, then glanced at David Torres: "What is this way of doing things?"

"I asked you to invite Lord Cole over, and you actually brought him in chains?"

David Torres quickly spoke up: "Patriarch, this young man William Cole is full of tricks and extremely strong. If we don't lock him up, he will definitely run away."

"These shackles are forged from cold iron, unless taken to a steel mill, not even a welding torch could burn through them."

"Using them to lock up William Cole would prevent him from escaping."

Patrick Hull scoffed: "What a joke, do you think Bat Island is a place where people can come and go as they please?"

"And even stepping back, what status does Lord Cole hold? Does capturing him like this align with the way Dark Shadow Escort Agency treats its guests?"

"Immediately remove the shackles from Lord Cole."