Chapter 918 Ruth Dawn's Death_1

Fifteen minutes later, a young man around twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old walked into Ruth Dawn's office.

Dressed in a suit and leather shoes, wearing a designer watch on his wrist and a confident smile on his face, it was none other than Lance Dawn.

After entering the office, Lance didn't bother to greet anyone; he just sat down on the sofa, propped up his legs, and lit a cigarette, puffing away as if he owned the place.

Ruth frowned, "Lance, this is the CEO's office. It's one thing to walk in without greeting, but smoking in front of me? Do you think that's proper?"

Lance casually flicked off his ash and shook his head with a smile, "Ruth, we're all family here, there's no need for you to be so serious all the time."

"Dawn Sect is getting better and better. As the HR manager of Dawn Pharmaceutical, I'm swamped every day. What's wrong with taking a break to smoke a cigarette in your CEO's office?"

"Oh, now I remember, you're pregnant, right?"