Chapter 942: Recognizing a Godmother_1

The next morning, at Mrs. Cole's courtyard.

Mrs. Cole had prepared a lot of pastries, all of William's favorite kind.

Seeing William come in, Mrs. Cole quickly served him a bowl of porridge and stuffed two pieces of pastries into his hand, smiling, "You haven't had breakfast, have you? Here, eat some first, it's all your favorite."

"These days, I haven't studied anything else, just been making pastries."

"Over the years, I could never settle my mind, but now I can. I've started researching things I like."

Mrs. Cole sat there, chin propped on her hands, looking at William with a broad smile: "Eat more, take the rest back with you if it's not enough."

"I have more at home, and you can come anytime if you want to eat."

"Or if you're too busy to come yourself, just let me know, and I'll have someone deliver them to you."

Watching Mrs. Cole treat him as her son, William felt a pang of heartache.