The walk to the bus station that day seemed longer than usual. I didn't want to use the main streets because most students did so I took the isolated alleys instead. It wasn't about the gossip though, no, I couldn't care less. It's just their eyes, the way they looked at me now, each glare was like tiny needles sinking into my flesh. 

The air was chill and for the first time in a long time I realized how much of a lightweight I really am. The air sailing me to different directions as it whisked pass, with every wave of breeze a chill was sent running down my spine which left me covered in goosebumps. I looked up a little ahead down the alley and saw a silhouette of someone definitely male, possibly 6 feet. That damned 6 footer! 

I ran down the alley, yanked the bastard by his collar and clenched my fist in what would pass off as my weak attempt to fight someone definitely not in my league. Now you see, Yoon Seojun was nothing more than a well to do smart ass even he couldn't help but to admit that the best part of him, of me was my compsure. The moment I loose my composure, I'd hit rock bottom and I wasn't going to give this pr**k the pleasure of such and outstanding view.

Still holding him by the collar, I dropped my fist and leaned back a bit. I found more details than I had noticed while being all riled up. This one seemed different, he was tall yes but slightly taller than the one I'd met thrice before. Was the hunter's hair always blonde? I may not be able to say for a fact because he always had a cap and a hoodie on but I could've sworn I saw black hair on the last encounters. Did the motherf**ker get a glow up? Well color me surprised. 

He leaned in and smirked then it all clicked. Of course I had seen this face before, blonde hair, brown eyes glittering with blood lust at its peek, 'bout two earing piercings on each ear, pale skin and a smile that was definitely menace but mostly pretty. 

𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: 𝙱𝚊𝚎𝚔 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐-𝚑𝚘

𝙰𝚐𝚎: 𝟷9 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜

𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜: 𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝟷𝟸 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜 𝙲

𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜: 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛 


𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚢 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟽𝟹

𝙱𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚢: ₩𝟸,𝟶𝟶𝟶,𝟶𝟶𝟶 didn't read the the zeroes wrong. 

I was clenching unto Chang-ho's collar... I was literally decorating my death wish with glitter. He slapped my hands off his collar and leaned in a bit more, I could definitely see it now why they called him "the devil with makeup on", he was as good looking as he was sinister. But right now I just can't give a sh*t, if he wanted my bounty then I'll have him know it's nothing to write home about. I bit my lip to easy the frustration, it wasn't everyday a student at KBS high got to see a VIP like Chang-ho but I had hoped it was someone else. 

He grabbed me by the jaw and wiped the blood off my lip wth his thumb, he wasn't smiling anymore. 

"You're quite the looker"

"Get your damned hands off me" I dismissed his grip with a wave of my left hand. 

He leaned back and plopped both hands in his pockets "isn't it a cruel way to become a predator? Even for myself I find it rather ruthless".

"If you want my bounty then get in the f*cking line" Chang-ho was no newbie to betraying fellow predators for their bounty so the best assumption was that he was here for business. 

"Me? No no no no no" he smiled rather too innocent for my comfort and reached out to hold both my hands in his "I'm just curious as to how much more blood you'll be spilling to make it to graduation" his smile broadened.

The cold hearted chill in each word left my knees shaking beyond what I could hide. He was an actual psychopath. I tried standing straight and steady even though my knees where protesting, I pulled both hands away from his and stepped backwards "i don't know...should I start with yours?"

Once again the smile disappeared "I'd be thrilled"

I walked past him, if I had to endure that aura any more than that then I'd probably go numb. 

"The school won't help, neither would the police! Here in Bounty High we're all to ourselves, the only rules are the ones we carve with our blades." He yelled from behind me so I stopped walking "do you get it now? You either play the game or not, there's no restart bottom and there sure is no f*cking exit. It's kill or be killed so get those foolish thoughts out of your puny little skull and start living like what you really are. A predator"

It was hard to ignore all he said because it still echoed through the alley. I bit my lip hard again, clenched my fist and headed home. 


"I'm home"

"How was school?". I headed upstairs to my room. 

" Yoon Seojun! Didn't you hear my question?!"

"Isn't it all just a formality? Do I need to respond? "

"If your father asks you, then yes! You have to respond"

"Would you give a damn if I said it was horrible?" I was looking him right in the eye now. 

"Yoon Seojun you ungrateful lil... "

"It was fine" I walked out and into my room.

I locked my room, dropped my bag on the bed, pulled off my suit and my sweater vest and loosened my tie. I stood in front of my desk, there was this desk against the wall, above the deck I had hung sketches of the hunter, from the inaccurate to the most precise piece. Everything was there---the brand of hoodies he wore, the face cap, the sneakers, his approximate height, shoulder width, list of his physical skills, amount of piercings (none), places we had met, types of targets he hunted down, relation between those targets, possible routes in and out of places we had met, and a lot more that would probably be too cringe for me too reveal. If anyone saw it it would probably pass off as a shrine but to me.... It was days and days after days of rage that I put into hard work. There were some students in grades 12 from room A-D that had his stature or something like it and including the atheletic team.... They were many. But one thing was for sure this bastard was definitely left-handed, from the injury on Jeong-dae's right eye to the way he handles his weapons... It was obvious that his left hand was his hand of strength. 

So why in the actual f*ck am I the only left-handed senior in Grade 12! 

I plopped down on the chair in front of the desk and picked my phone. My status still read the same "predator", those dumb association were fast enough to tag me killer but retarded to figure out that I was framed. No, they definitely knew... As far as I know, they have eyes and ears all around the school they were smart enough to evade and suppress the police so they know.... They know I'm innocent. Why then, why would they.... I broke out in a loud repitive laugh as a tear crawled down my right eye, it was less of pain and more the embodiment of anger, frustration and disgust. 

Graduation day was February the 20th 2025, I had 9months and twenty seven days to survive the hell someone else carved for me, 43 weeks and two days to end it all, the association, the hunter, the bounty games all of it. And 303 calendar days to the the day I became the weilder of Bounty High's bloodiest blade.