Dark Crest of Paradise!

The moment Mithras' milk filled up Akamana's backdoor, the Grand Priestess' eyes glazed over, and she climaxed for the final time, passing out subsequently. Meanwhile, Mithras' Human Aphrodisiac instincts kicked in, and he opened his mouth, reflexively absorbing every drop of Akamana's orgasmic essence!

The final stage of Mithras' evolution kicked in here, prompting a spell of violent headaches that sent him reeling back. For reasons, he couldn't understand, Mithras' mind buzzed nonstop, acting as if a colony of bees had burrowed into his brain. 

The smell of honey filled his nostrils, and he stood up, lurching in confusion. And if the system wasn't going through an update, Mithras would be able to see:



Ero Sage<>One-Man Brothel>