Cruel Genesis!

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" The divine enforcer unleashed the Weaver's punishment, and Belphegor's screams boomed out—the electric arcs of destiny thunder ripping his veins asunder. 

Crafted by the Weaver himself to torture even the Wrathful Gods, Destiny Bolts ranked among the most dreadful tools in creation, the mere mention of them sending shivers down the spines of Gods and Sage Kings alike. Those bolts now unloaded on Belphegor, bringing the undead knight to the brink of mental collapse. 

So horrifying were Belphegor's screams that the Ishtars and Naginis of the world winced and flinched--shutting down their senses out of fear that Belphegor's screams would become recurrent nightmares.