Why Escape a Fairy Tale?

Genetic Rating Overhaul, or GRO for short. This unprecedented blood serum crafted by the Weaver for his new puppets came under two variants: the Red, which turned the receiver into Abominations, and the Dark, which altered their DNA to turn them into superhumans. 

Ulric gave his subordinates the Red Shot, using the Dark to draw the Pashas of the Moonborn Syndicate and other desperados to his cause. Meanwhile, Elektra sat on a bed of camellias, the Queen of Monsters gazing at the crescent moon with a nostalgic look. Words spoken in private by Vel'Asha resounded in Elektra's mind, and her eyes reddened a little. Here, Mithras appeared on the Queen's lap, flashing her a relaxing smile. 

"As breathtaking as ever. Hello, queen of mine. Your Lord sensed you were in need of a man's shoulder. So he came to deliver." 

"Mithras…Prince of Astalon, Lord of Elektra. Why do I think that joke is the only reason the Queen Regent named you Lord of Elektra?"