
The moment the bolt of dark lightning tumbled down, Mithras closed his eyes. A slow, rumbling beat resounding from his chest as a formless storm of primal energies erupted from his form.

Blasted by the impact, Hakim went flying, but before his armored form crashed into that same seat he'd appeared in, the Huntmaster broke into squalls of dark and sanguine mist, firing into the sky and reforming on a cloud of malignant energies. Worldbreaker collided with Mithras' face, bouncing against a wall of divine power, and flying back to Hakim's hands.

"When you really think about it. Inheritance is one of the cleverest injustices we people have come up with. The parent's shits going to the kids. It feels so natural. Righteous even…till a guy with an ego is born a demigod…inheriting divine powers with the maturity of an incel…and it all goes to shit.