Hey Bloodsucker, Enjoy Your Humanity!

Pause and think. Think and imagine for a second you never had any notion of love, lust, attractiveness, and all the sweet stuff that stirs loins and leads to clapping cheeks. Asexual for 100,000 years. When out of nowhere, a Human Aphrodisiac arrives to stir the pot. Lighting your body on fire with a blast of corrupt pheromones.

Well…now you know how Aurelia felt. The Blood Empress reeled left and right, quivering with her jaw dropped as her knees buckled, her legs clamped, and her heart pounded in her chest. Never in Aurelia's life had she experienced such shock and fear. The terror took over. Trapping her in a vegetative state.

Marcus and Hakim's instincts went on maximum alert, and they teleported out of the way, blitzing out of Mithras' range through Quantum Tunneling. A wonderful call, because the moment next, the Solar Blood Field went off, sucking Aurelia in and leaving her at Mithras' mercy!