I'm not immature, I'm very emotionally honest

"There's more things to do?!" She groaned, staring at Tieya as if the maid herself had orchestrated everything.

The poor woman gave her a very patient look. "As you know, Your majesty, the coronation festival is a week-"

"A week?!"

Tieya sighed, and shooed her into that giant bathroom again.

"There is to be a musical performance this evening. Your majesty must look resplendent alongside her Harem."

She gawked at the mirror that stretched wall to wall. "The...Harem that I've only chosen one person for..."

"Haven't you chosen three?"


Tieya was giving her that 'how do you dress yourself in the morning' look again.

"His Highness Lyon, Phoenix, and Alexander?"

"A-Alex...when did Alex join?!"

Tieya blinked several times, looking puzzled. "Just after the lunch meal..."


She didn't care that man couldn't hear her. She stomped her feet and slammed a hand down on the sink.

That bastard had even outsmarted her with this one!


Was...he...just helping her grow her harem?

But I never asked for his help!!


Tieya stared. "Is that so..."


"You hadn't intended to choose the botanist, then?"

"W-Well I hadn't....thought...abou-...."

She trailed off briefly. She could not explain that she hadn't even been planning on adding Lyov in at first.

She'd declared she'd make a harem just to get people off her back about the king.

Not that she was...against...the idea of being surrounded in handsome men at her beck and call, exactly but-

Tieya dunked her head under the water.

She came up coughing and sputtering and not really sure what the heck that was all about.

Tieya gently began sudsing up her long, delicate hair with some kind of sweet smelling oils and shampoo. "I suppose His Highness simply misinterpreted something. I will be sure to inform Alexan--"


That poor man was probably well confused enough already. And she didn't want to see his sad face getting 'kicked off the team' for lack of better term.

It's not as if she thought that hard about Lyov, and she didn't get any input on Phoenix, either. At least Alex was cute.

"Let's...let's not kick anyone out. I-it...would hurt morale. So. Score another for the Imperial Harem."

She grumbled that last part to herself.

If he wants to play like that, I can do the same!

...She actually had no idea how to do the same in this case.

After what seemed like an eternity, she was deemed 'ready', and then was pushed and pulled into a beautiful, sparkling gown with a high collar.

It was...sparkly.

Sparklier than her other outfits so far.

There were jewels all over it.

Tieya plopped a delicate looking diadem of crystals and gemstones onto her forehead and proclaimed her fit to enter.

"You look splendid."

"What is the opera?"

Tieya squinted at the empress. "There will be an assortment of songsters at the festival this evening. Among them is the very popular Pauli Oberstein. The Imperial Songster who sang at your coronation. Your majesty is usually excited to hear him sing..."

Tieya sounded worryingly dubious.

...Pauli...ah! The pretty man with the pretty voice!

"Of course!" She chirped in response, nodding quickly. She definitely remembered him, and liked him well enough! "I want to listen to him, then."

"As you will it," Tieya smiled.

The night was clear, and the air pleasantly crisp and cool as they stepped out into the open area beyond her rooms where there were no walls.

It was filled with people.

People and lights and musicians everywhere.

For the most part she paid it no mind, though she did nod occasionally to someone who called out 'long live the Empress' in the midst of all the merrymaking.

Her attention was on her target.


The singer himself looked amazing.

He was dressed in a manner reminiscent of a goddess, with golden embroidery in the form of flowering vines trailing all up the side of the robe he was draped in. There were jeweled rings on his fingers and jewels at his throat and a ribbon woven through his orange hair, which was worn loose around his shoulders.

He was currently singing.

His voice was absolutely exquisite.

She felt she could sit here forever and just listen to him speak to her.

Such a voice...

It was magical.

Like hearing a mythical beast, or a creature of legends.

His eyes fluttered open, glancing around.

He locked eyes with her, then, and she felt a shudder go through her.

It was like there was no one else in the world except for the two of them.

"Oh...it's Her Majesty." Pauli Oberstein's voice was just as pretty as his singing. Perhaps a bit rougher, but there was something about it she found captivating.

His golden brown eyes stared straight into hers, unblinking.

She finally coughed, breaking out of the mini trance his singing had put her into. "That...that was lovely." She said, stupidly, like it wasn't obvious.

"Thank you." His words were lyrical. Like the humming of a bird.

She had no clue what else to say. She really didn't. So she sat in silence with him.

Isn't there supposed to be more talking involved in social situations, or did I remember that wrong...?

"My I ask a question, Your majesty?" There was a dangerous glitter in his eyes.

She didn't heed it. "After a song like that, of course!"

"May I ask why Your majesty looks at me as if I'm a dish to be devoured?" He tilted his head, and she couldn't tell if he were sincere or flirting.

Mostly because she was too flustered to even try.

"E-eh?! N-no-!" She fumbled. "I-I meant! Uh! You're very p-pretty! P-please! Um. Ack-..."

Her face flushed deeply and she immediately went into a coughing fit.

He waited until it was over before he spoke again, apparently enjoying her reaction.

"My. Is the empress attempting to woo me, perhaps?" He teased. "Should I be flattered to be considered for a position among the most illustrious harem?"


Why does everyone want a spot?!

"I-I'm not! That's not-!" 

"Her Majesty would never make such a snap judgment." Phoenix's voice spoke up out of nowhere.

She hadn't even seen him arrive.

Pauli's eyes narrowed, gaze turning to Phoenix. "Oh?"

The man hummed, leaning a hand on the arm of her chair. "It's a very rigorous and difficult process to become Her Majesty's concubine. One cannot simply catch her eye with a lovely song and a lovelier face. Why, the position would mean not a thing if she were to give out a place in her bed so easily."

He lies like he breathes!!

"Hm~" Pauli made a pretty little airy noise that made her heart skip. "If that's so, why, I am surely unworthy. Your majesty is most discerning indeed."


Pauli got to his feet, graceful. He swept a bow to her in the practiced movement of a dancer.

"Forgive my impertinence, though I only meant to jest. Perhaps in time I shall earn the favor of Her Majesty." He winked at her, smiling. "A dream worth pursuing, I think."

Before she could answer him, he disappeared, drifting through the crowd like a shadow.