I'm not moody, I'm reflective

She settled in a seat on her balcony with a small sigh, looking out at the lush courtyard below her. 

Heavy gray clouds blocked out the sun, and the chill in the air was harsh enough that she swaddled sweet Snowball in a warm blanket and kept him snuggled up close to her chest to ensure he was in no danger of hypothermia. But, it was a nice, safe experience for the kitten to breathe the air and experience the outside world.

Not that Snowball would ever be an 'outside' royal cat, but in controlled circumstances like this...

She hummed softly.

Snowflakes slowly fell from the sky.

The sight of them reminded her of her vacation with her husbands. 

It felt long ago now.

She gently pet Snowball as the kitten looked around from his cozy blanket burrito.

"Do you like snowflakes, baby?" She asked him gently.