I'm not in hiding, I'm in hunkered down

A harsh crackle of thunder resounded outside.

Lightning flashed brightly enough to shine through the drawn curtains, despite their thickness.

Snowball yowled in fright and hid underneath Isabelle's hair, cowering away, shivering violently.

Lyov immediately softened, concern coming through his previously exasperated face. "Snowball..." He spoke gently.

Another crash of thunder reverberated through the household, rattling the glass panes.

Snowball pressed into her body further and shivered, frightened, mewling pitifully.

The rain started falling more violently. The sky was beginning to turn dark enough that the daylight did little to light the room even where the curtains were open.

Isabelle pulled the poor fluffy creature close. "Shh...sssh...it's okay, darling...sssshhh..."

She whispered to him tenderly, patting and scratching at his back as he shivered. "It's just thunder, baby...it can't hurt you, darling..."