I'm not partying, I'm experiencing culture

Today was the start of Nevremia's winter festival.

Despite the cataclysm of the plague that hit Nevremia, its people were still determined to experience and enjoy the winter festival.

For Nevremia, it wasn't a festival for just one day or two, as Isabelle was used to, it was one of Nevremia's biggest and longest festivals through the year, taking up an indeterminable amount of time - she couldn't subtly ask about something so basic - that seemed to be at least a month.

There were all sorts of games, stalls selling snacks and sweet treats, vendors showcasing their crafts, and performances on every corner of the street.

There were dancers and jesters, people dressed in costumes, musicians serenading passersby and entertainers dazzling children with their tricks.

The atmosphere was lively and joyous and people seemed genuinely happy, as if the suffering was all a distant memory.