Isabelle smiled to herself as she stared up at the fabric above her bed, feeling quite accomplished with herself. Her husband-to-be - or perhaps just husband? - had excused himself back to his room once he'd calmed down, face adorably red.
It was all well and good if he wanted to stay in his own room for now. The bed might start to get a bit crowded, even with her ludicrously huge one, if she started inviting too many more people in at once, after all.
Snowball awoke from his little nap on his cat bed next to her own bed, clambered up the blankets, trotted across the cover toward her, squeaking and mewing with every step as he usually did after being away from her for a bit.
"Are you telling me about your dream, sweet thing?" She cooed, shifting her focus to the little ball of furry white affection.