I'm not cold, I'm just a bit chilled

Isabelle yawned as she laid down on her stomach. The soft blanket beneath her was...surprisingly effective, considering she was laying down on cold stone. 

Honestly, she was just too groggy to be bothered to stand up. It made sense in her head, and even though Tieya gave her a weird look, the maid did so anyway.

The reason for why she laid down on a blanket on cold stone?

So that little Snowball could run and play around in the snow-covered royal garden.

Only a small section of it, but...still. Snowball could jump and pounce and roll in the snow, and if he got tired or cold he could scurry over and cuddle with his mama.

She had warm towels with which to dry him off and warm him up if that happened. but the royal animal steward said that a short play would be safe enough.