I'm not a greedy despot, I'm being framed

Isabelle peeked under the desk and grinned at her mischievous, wayward kitten, who'd retreated underneath it to chew on a bit of meat he'd swiped from the table.

The baby cat was usually well behaved, but sometimes the gremlin in him won out, and usually when it did he'd follow it up by sprinting away somewhere to hide, as if...like the little cat thought as long as no one saw him misbehaving it didn't actually happen.

Well....obviously he was just a kitten. She couldn't expect his thought processes to be quite that complex.


It was equal parts exasperating and cute when he did it.

"Snowball, sweetie~"

"Mrrw." He chirruped back at her, pawing the bone left over from the stolen meat as he tried to chew it open.