I'm not a pure maiden, I'm just a unicorn enthusiast

"Work!" She grunted sullenly.

It was ridiculous that this world was so hellbent on ruining her fun with so much...work.

Isabelle rolled her eyes when she noticed the smirk playing across her husband's lips, but otherwise acquiesced easily.

She knew better than to fight the man on such matters.

"What should I be working on this time~?"

Phoenix's smile widened a little. "It's not so bad, love. You've already done quite a bit today. There are boring proposals for you to review, things for you to sign and write, and a few letters to read. That's what Archibald told me~"

"H--he put you up to this!"

He laughed and kissed her forehead. "Go. Snowball is waiting for you to finish your work, you know~?"

"Ack! You're mean! No guilt trips!"

Isabelle harrumphed.

She stormed into her study, closing the door behind her.