I'm not second-guessing, I'm struggling with responsibility

Archibald seemed to hesitate, hovering quietly behind her, before he finally spoke.

"Although it's unlikely to be many, there are still some who outnumber the spaces set aside for those without proper shelter."

Before she could respond, he continued, "If we can't find other places for them...Sir Lyov has suggested they reside within the palace walls during the storm. Are you amenable to this suggestion, your imperial highness?"

A smile bloomed on her face. "Absolutely."

His mouth curved up, though he hid it quickly behind his hand as he bowed again. "My deepest thanks, your highness. Shall we tell him as such?"

"Of course."

He dipped his head once more, before excusing himself.

Her expression fell as soon as he was gone.

Her eyes wandered the streets, taking note of everything she could see from here.

What all could an empress like her do to prepare for this?