I'm not conquering the world, I'm barely ruling a nation

Isabelle fussed with her hair, trying to do something new with it. She really wasn't certain what she wanted to do with it but...eh...

Her hair simply hanging freely felt a bit boring.

As for what to do with it though...? She kept flip-flopping on what she wanted to do. Put it up in a cute ponytail? A braid? A half-ponytail? Some kind of little braid getup?

She wasn't sure, and she'd never been that good at that kind of thing anyway...


She could just...call a servant of some sort to do that, but...

She still felt awkward asking servants to do things that were perfectly normal and mundane. No matter what people called her.

A soft mew echoed through the room, and she turned her head to smile at her adorable son. "Yes? What is it, sweet boy?"

The kitten stared at her expectantly with big blue eyes.

She knew her baby well enough by now.
