I'm not immature, I'm avant garde

Snowball slept like the sweetest baby imaginable.

He always had, of course, but tonight he passed out curled up on the bed instead of his little cushion next to the bed, so she could watch him more closely. And watch him she did.

She laid on the bed, cheek on her hand, and smiled as she watched the sweet little baby snooze.

He made small soft sounds and twitched occasionally as he dreamed, tiny cute paws flexing and twitching like he were running around a dream garden, hunting bugs, or maybe chasing and terrorizing maids, demanding to be pet.

Such a good, darling, perfect, sweet baby he was.

Sometimes she had trouble believing he was actually real.


Obviously, she knew he was.

As much as she knew Tenshi was, and this world was.

But still.

It was even harder to imagine how she could have gone about being empress before him.

She wished she could just live in a fluffy snuggle place forever with Snowball.