I'm not starving my boy, I'm working reports

 Snowball wandered up, brushing against her ankle. He stared up at her and meowed.

He'd come to her for food again, as it seemed.

She bent down and picked him up, setting him on her lap so she could scratch his back while she read the reports she'd been handed about the outlying lands and the impact of the blizzard. She'd already read several of these, but as time went on more rolled in from the outer lands.

One report told of a group of children who hadn't been seen since the blizzard in a town near the edge of the national border. 

Which was...concerning.

There weren't many answers to why they hadn't been seen that would be happy answers.


She'd have to send some knights in the near future to investigate rumors of kidnapping. Especially if the 'kidnapping' was happening because of a foreign nation.

She really hoped that wouldn't be the conclusion.