I'm not cramped, I'm cozy in a carriage

She yawned. It came out embarrassingly close to that of a long...squeaky door hinge slowly closing.

Very much not ferocious, there. She'd have to remember that if she were trying to interrogate someone or make demands in some...tense diplomatic situation and suddenly felt the urge to yawn

Unless she wanted to derail things with cuteness, anyway.

The adorable kitten tucked away in the sling at her chest caught her yawn only a moment later and gave a squeaky yawn in his little sling, too. It was a most adorable little sound, hidden away in his sling like that.

She smiled and pet the sling, leaning against Phoenix as they sat in the moving carriage.

The swaying of the carriage was a bit reassuring, at least.

"Silly kitty..."

Phoenix chuckled softly to himself. "Adorable kitty." He corrected with a gentle smile, reaching over to stroke his fingers down the white kitten's head.

"He is that...~" She cooed at Snowball.