I'm not easily monopolized, I'm especially adaptive

Ceiori was a nation of beauty.

Color, elegance, and decoration was everywhere she looked, without a single care for whether it was too much.

If anything, more was thought to be better than too little.

Curious eyes stared at her from all directions - Ceiorians had apparently mostly never seen Nevremians in person - or at least, Nevremian nobility or royalty, since her dress was entirely custom.

In any case, she felt strangely nervous with everyone looking at her.

Not so much because of being the center of attention - or at least, not the real center of attention - but more because of her...


Phoenix was rather lavish and brightly colored, similar enough to the Ceiorian style she almost wondered if he secretly hailed from this land.

But aside from him, and especially her...

She felt under dressed in a...beautiful, lavish way.