I'm not imprisoned, I'm confined

The guards began to crowd into the room, a few of them advancing towards them.

Isabelle felt herself shrink backwards on instinct as the nearest one grabbed for her arm.

"Release her, or you will lose a second member of the royal family today." Tenshi, who until this point had been unseen by any, stood perfectly calm among Caoimhe's men.

With his blade pressed extremely securely to her neck. "It doesn't matter to me if I kill a foreign princess if it means protecting my empress."

He spoke to them in a matter of fact tone. His voice was as gentle and soft as always, not at all as full of malice or rage as Alexander or Phoenix had been.

He spoke his threat with casual certainty.

As if the idea of killing a princess, royalty from a different, peaceful country was nothing to him.

Isabelle would not deny that it gave her a chill, but she could only feel relieved that the love of her life was so fierce.