I'm not rambling madness, I'm mumbling nonsense

Isabelle paced the perimeter of her quarters, watching as her baby cat stalked her movements with intense concentration.

"Snowball...what am I to do, baby...? This has to be what the quest 'King of Ceiori' was...but now what do I do? How can I help if I'm in here...?"

"Mow?" Snowball followed his mother back and forth, watching her with his keen baby eyes.

His tiny fluffy body wiggled behind her as he rushed to catch up with her steps, chirping at her.

Lyov frowned from where he was seated in a chair near the window. "What was that?"

She'd been mumbling under her breath because she couldn't just talk about things like quests and stats screen where anyone but her cat- who could tell no tales - could hear her.

Of course, mumbling to herself as she paced back and forth in her room probably made her look almost as crazy as if they'd heard what she said.

She sighed and stopped.