I'm not a thrill-seeker, I'm a curious person

She forced the words out. Her voice was barely audible and squeaked with the strain.


Never mind. She forced one word out.

A word which was basically just a short sound.

In her defense, he didn't give her much time to respond to him. He stepped forward and reached for her veil, heedless of how he invaded her personal space.

She immediately recoiled. "No-!"

She hated that she instinctively backed away, but she didn't want this stranger to take off her veil. She didn't want this strange person to know her identity.

She absolutely wouldn't let her cover be blown on day one just because she made a reckless choice like this.

"...D-don't. I...I have. A rash."

It was the weakest, most ridiculous excuse, but she was desperate for the guy not to be suspicious. And. She couldn't think of a better one under pressure like that.

The man stared at her.