I'm not abandoning my kitten, I'm just rationing my time

Her heart swelled with warmth as soon as she recognized the meow of her darling pet. She had little time to do anything else, as a little white fur missile streaked toward her at never before seen speed.

Her kitten pounced with amazing speed and force, leaping through the air and catching onto her admittedly voluminous skirts with a plaintive cry.

Snowball cried up at her loudly, clinging desperately to her as he did.

Her eyes watered and she leaned down to scoop her darling cat into her arms. "Oh, sweet boy! Hi, hello, I'm back, it's alright I'm sorry...!"

Snowball mewed urgently and pawed at her face, as if trying to confirm she were alright.

She could not stop smiling at his eagerness, at his blatant affection. "I missed you too!"

Snowball was not quite so easily calmed down. He continued to mew and whine at her until she pet and cuddled him enough that his frantic behavior gradually turned to soft purrs.