I'm not cornered, I'm fortified

The figure which moved into view was, at least, human shaped.

Tall, pale enough for it to be noticeable even in the dim light of the tunnel, and somewhat gaunt.

Nevertheless he still took up so much space in the corridor she couldn't get past him.

Him, because the figure was definitely male.

She wanted to run.

Tried to will her legs to do so.

It was already too late. He was too close. He saw her.


"...How did a little doe get so lost?"

His voice was smooth, with just a hint of that cynical edge.

It was..that man.

The man she saw twice now who seemed to come from nowhere and disappear just as easily.

"You..." She breathed softly.

Her thoughts whirled.

Who was he?

The man who claimed not to be the deadliest thing in this castle.

A claim she suddenly had a hard time believing, if he'd been skulking around in these abandoned tunnels, and if he...

If he had assassinated Elymus.