I'm not weak to kittens, I'm in-tune with them

She laid out on the bed, face up.

Snowball scampered towards her with a joyful little mew.

Isabelle instantly reached out to pet him and cooed down at her favorite ball of fluff.

"My boy, my little Snowball..."

She hummed, smiling down at him.

What had she signed him up for-

Oh, yes.


Dinner with Caleb and her husbands.

Yes, he'd enjoy that once it was time.

But for now.

Snowball wriggled and bounced.

Then flopped down on her belly.

And sprawled out.

His little paws stretched, showing off his tiny pink toe beans.

One paw pushed against her wrist.

How warm his little paws were.

But despite how warm those were, here he was.

Soaking in her warmth.

Her fingers stroked across his fluffy fur, and the vibrations of his purr and rumble grew even more pronounced.

So precious.


So sweet...

But she should also...

A nap.