"You are recovering, and you should take things easy, but, I believe that, if you're careful, and do not overdo things, it would be beneficial for you to begin slowly easing back into normal routines. Slowly."
"Normal routine...like..."
"Well. I'm not sure I can in good conscience clear you for long hours in the throne ro-"
"Sex?! Can I have sex?! You're saying sex is back on the menu?!"
"...Ahem." The doctor cleared his throat.
"You shouldn't have much of your usual strenuous activities. Sex is. Allowed, in moderation, if your body will allow for it. You must be careful not to push yourself too hard too soon. If you become tired-"
"Tired of dick?! That's not possible!" She cried. "You've been denying me my needs for so long-! My body can take it! It wants it!"
He huffed. "The physical activity will cause you to fatigue much easier. If you start to feel dizzy or ill you are to stop immediately."
"I can't stop in the middle of sex!"