I'm not lost in memories, I'm strolling through memory lane

Memory /ˈmem(ə)rē/ noun: memory;

the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.

Such a vague description, given that memories make us who we are and determine how we view ourselves and our relationships with others.

If you lose all your memories, are you still yourself?

Isabelle had wondered this.

She'd wrestled with this thought many times.

Was she just an imposter puppetting someone else's body?

Had she grown up as this girl and then forgotten suddenly, and if she had, did it really make her any different than the puppeteer?

She'd wondered it, wrestled with it, suffered from it.

And she rarely came to an answer she liked.

But now-

"Isabelle." Her mother sighed.

The empress was once again drunk.

It wasn't new, of course. Her mother had often been drunk all her life.


She was much more sad when she was drunk now.