I'm not terrifying, I'm a marshmallow

Snowball stirred and opened his sleepy blue eyes. He lifted his head slowly and yawned widely, showing off his tiny white fangs.

Then he stretched, arching his back and wiggling his entire body. Finally, he climbed onto his mother's lap and curled up on top of her stomach.

She smiled fondly.

Her son truly was adorable.

It filled her with joy to have him so close and trusting of her.

She reached down to stroke his soft fur gently. Her fingers brushed against his fluffy belly.

She scratched between his ears and kissed his forehead tenderly. "Sweet boy."

He purred loudly. His ears twitched excitedly. "Prrrrt..."

She giggled. "Your mama loves you so much!"

He pawed at her shirt affectionately. His claws poked holes in her clothing as he tugged at it.

"Mrrp!" He chirped.

Her eyes crinkled, her smile wide. She couldn't hold back her laughter at seeing such adorable behavior from him. "How can you be so cute??"