I'm not burning the midnight oil, I'm just warming late night oil

Isabelle was sitting at the desk in her bedroom, looking out of the window.

The moon was shining, the night was cool and crisp, and she had a lot on her mind. She'd decided to stay up late, in the hopes of getting some work done.

The day's events had left her drained and exhausted, even though they hadn't really been work intensive at all. Simply the stress of trying to navigate the politics of something as...

Something that shouldn't be political at all! Weddings and anniversaries!

The fact that so much politics and thinking about...things! Were involved. It made her head hurt and her body ache from fatigue.

She'd spent most of the evening thinking about how she could improve the upcoming festivities - how she could make an anniversary celebration designed to be focused on a single husband instead tailored for five.
