I'm not scared of speaking, I'm nervous around crowds

There were no more excuses for Isabelle to hide away from the rest of the kingdom.

As much as she enjoyed spending time alone with Phoenix and her other husbands, enjoying the quiet ambiance of the gardens that Alexander tended to so expertly, and cuddling with her baby, she was supposed to be present and participating in her own festival.

She owed it to her people to at least do that much.

She had her duties to the people, and it was her job as the Empress to be a part of the festival. Besides that! The last Nevremian festival she'd participated in had been delightful and fun.

Just as with last time, although this time involved a speech, she had her sweet Snowball stashed away in a sling at her chest.

That way he could peek out at the world when he wished to, or curl up and sleep in the warmth of the sling when he didn't.