I'm not missing the past, I'm living for the present

Isabelle's eyes turned skyward as she continued to watch the fireworks. The bright lights were entrancing. And the way they faded as the sparks rained back to earth made something inside her feel...nostalgic.

It wasn't quite like the fireworks of her old world, but they were similar enough to make her miss those festivals. She could remember watching them with her family, the crowds gathered to watch, the children's faces glowing with happiness.

Of course, the festivals were different, and the fireworks were very much not for her and her family.

She couldn't say which festivals were better, but...

They both had a certain special fondness in her heart for different reasons.

But then again.

Those memories of her childhood with a family long gone now...

She was sharing this festival, these fireworks, with her family again.

The family she had in this world were all gathered around her.

And not just her husbands.