I'm not overwhelmed in a crowd, I'm overvigorated

The crowd in the streets were a mass of noise and movement, the music of the bards playing in the distance mingling with the sound of laughter, talking and general merriment.

Not one part of anywhere in her vision was still, calm, or quiet. Somehow it was even more excited and busy today than it had been the day before.

Isabelle couldn't keep track of who was talking, who was laughing, what people were doing, but she was sure she didn't want to miss a single detail.

The air was heavy with the smell of flowers, incense, food, perfumes and other things she couldn't even try to guess at with all the rest of it in the air.

It made it almost hard to breathe, and she was sure she was going to pass out from the overwhelming sensation if she stayed in it much longer.

She was glad her husband was beside her, holding her arm and guiding her. She didn't know where she was going, she was just being led. The sights and smells of everything were so overwhelming.