I'm not down, I'm sleepy

She fell face first into the bed with a sigh.

Not, like her husbands might think, out of sulking.


Had been sulking.

And fussing.

And generally complaining and disappointed.

The festival games had all been rigged!

She'd continuously lost them even when they were simple and easy, so of course anyone would criticize their design, and complain to the heavens about how unfair they were!


That was not. Why she fell so dramatically into bed.

At least not entirely.

The reality was...

She didn't have the energy.

It was! Exhausting! Even without overeating or overindulging on sex the night before.

It was exhausting just walking around the festival. Or maybe...

Maybe she just didn't have that much stamina.

She didn't know why she'd have low stamina, frankly. Maybe it was a matter of often using it up during...

Extra activities.