The sound of laughter was loud, bright, and cheerful, ringing in Isabelle's ears like a joyful song. Phoenix's shoulders were shaking. His body trembled visibly despite his lame attempt at hiding his amusement, and before long he laughed with a deep, throaty chuckle.
His eyes were filled with joy and warmth. "You are too precious."
He sounded so happy and pleased that she couldn't be quite so embarrassed any more. His joy was too infectious to resist, and her smile brightened as she heard him speak. She could not help but feel happy too.
A little.
She was still embarrassed though.
He was laughing at her in front of her current nemesis!
He smiled at her. "Do you have any other comments to share, love? I'm eager to hear what you think." His eyes were dark, intense, his expression smug.
He was definitely laughing at her.
He wasn't sorry.
He was enjoying it.
He was laughing at her!!