It was finally the morning of the tournament. She'd managed to resist the urge to kiss Snowball's toe beans while he slept on her face for several hours. It was now her second favorite thing he did, after he curled into her neck and purred like a tiny lawnmower engine.
She was rewarded for her patience by being kitten-kicked several times when he woke up to the sound and smell of food and flailed around to get his footing and then zoomed off the bed with an excited series of squeaks.
Next time she would definitely kiss a toe bean.
But that! Was for another time!
She sat in a surprisingly comfortable chair. A lot of the time her observational seats for things like this...
They weren't all that comfortable. That included her throne itself, which was one among many reasons for why she preferred just not to sit in it all that often or long.
This seat?
It had cushions. Which was an automatic bonus already.